Mauro Gentile, passion and competence
Born in 1961, enrolled in the register of journalists for 30 years, he has been a professional journalist since 1991. He worked for RCS periodici in the "AutoCapital" magazine directed by Luca Grandori from 1989 to 1994, collaborating in that period with the weekly "Il Mondo" on automotive economic issues e with "l'Europeo" on current issues.
From 1994 to 1996 he worked for an editorial service in Milan creating the monthly hard copy linked to the television program Linea Blu whose focus was the world of the sea.
From 1997 to 2016 he was PR Press Director at Porsche Italia spa. In 1999 he obtained from Porsche Ag the Worldwide PR Manager Award wanted at the time by Wendelin Wiedeking and the Porsche international press staff headed by Anton Hunger.
During his time with Porsche he organized and promoted almost 500 cultural events and traveled over 1 million 800 thousand kilometers on roads all over the world. In 2004 he was the soul and guide of an adventure journey for Porsche only between Milan, Tripoli and Benghazi.
For passion he also enjoys writing short novels ("Rebus Romae" for the Casa dei Libri and "La Cantina" for the Europeo) and has experience in the television field. In fact, he was a live commentator from the starting grid of the Italian Championship reserved for the Porsche GT 3 Cup.
Naturally passionate about everything that can be driven (always!) and aware resident in the virtual world he could not, now, as a PR Consultant, not have this space where he can bounce his ideas, experiences and curiosities.
Born in 1961, journalist. He was in staff of "AutoCapital" magazine by Luca Grandori 1and free lance author for weekly "Il Mondo" in relation in automotive and economic issues with the "Europeo" on current issues.
From 1994 to 1996 he worked for a Milan publishing service realizing the monthly magazine related to the television format Linea Blu whose focus was the world of the sea.
From 1997 to 2016 was PR Director Press in Porsche Italian spa. In 1999 he obtained from the Porsche Ag Worldwide PR Manager Award wanted at that time by Wendelin Wiedeking and by the staff of the International press Porsche led by Anton Hunger.
During Porsche Italy period he has organized and promoted a lot of cultural events and has traveled on the roads around the world more than 1 million 800 thousand kilometers. In 2004 he was in charge of organizing an adventure trip for Porsche cars between Milan, Tripoli and Benghazi.
His hobbies: writing short novels, and has experience in the television field.
He has been a live commentator from the starting grid of the Italian Championship Carrera Cup Italy. Of course passionate about everything that you can drive (always!)